Course Overview and Objectives

Transformative Facilitation is a course designed to equip participants with the skills and knowledge needed to effectively lead and facilitate in a variety of contexts. Throughout this course, participants will learn the key principles and techniques of elemental facilitation, a style that employs the lens of the natural and spiritual world to identify where and how we can come into balance for our individual and collective works. We’ll also learn how to create an inclusive and engaging environment for productive discussions and decision-making.

Course Objectives:

  • To introduce the foundational principles of transformative facilitation.
  • To explore and embody the key elements of effective facilitation, including presence, communication, empathy, and adaptability.
  • To provide practical strategies for balancing these elements in various facilitation contexts.
  • To develop personalized action plans for continuous improvement in facilitation practices

By the end of this course, participants will have a deeper understanding of the role of facilitators and will be able to apply their learnings in real-world facilitation scenarios.

Module Overview

Returning home to self 

    • Understanding self awareness
    • Practices for presence

Facilitating with the elements 

    • Earth
    • Water
    • Air
    • Fire
    • Spirit

Putting it into practice

    • Calling in the elements
    • ideas for reflection and integration

Our hope is that this carefully curated course will give you new insights into how you can cultivate your gifts as a facilitator and expand your ability to facilitate transformation.

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